The POS Partnership That Inspires & Supports Diskin Cider’s Growth
Learn about the trusted partnership between Arryved POS and Nashville’s first and only craft cidery.

When Adam Diskin couldn’t find any craft cider in Nashville a decade ago, his brother started shipping him the good stuff all the way from Seattle. Adam then invited his business partner Todd Evans to learn the cider-making ropes with him, and after attending Peter Mitchell’s cider school, the two brought craft cider to Nashville and the Southeast.
The business they now co-own, Diskin Cider, is celebrating 5 years in May as Nashville’s first and only craft cidery.
Everything from production to guest enjoyment happens within the 4 walls of their 8,000 square foot warehouse in the city’s buzzing WeHo neighborhood. Diskin makes a whopping 75k cases of cider per year between fueling their tasting room, distributing to 3 states, and shipping to 39.
On weekends, guests flock to enjoy fresh cider, cider-infused cocktails, and a smorgasbord of food options that each come with a drink pairing suggestion.
One particular star pairing in their tasting room is Diskin Cider’s team with Arryved POS.
Support & Ease Of Use Helped Seamlessly Transition Diskin Cider To Arryved
Thorough onboarding and patient help gave peace of mind to the busy cidery owners: “The hand holding was key. We’re two 50-year-old guys that are afraid of computers mostly, and Jesse was amazing at answering questions, taking charge, and looking at the best way to do things,” Todd shares.
Jesse isn’t the only Arryved team member Todd knows on a first name basis. “I’m big on customer service and such a fan of your support team. If there’s ever anything that we need, it’s a phone call away. Everybody that we’ve spoken to goes above and beyond,” he continues.
With human help readily available, the Diskin team quickly caught on to Arryved’s interface and noticed how much easier the time-saving POS made their jobs.
For instance, Arryved’s tab tags help Diskin Cider better manage events. “It allows us to manage groups easier,” Todd explains. Tab tags let Diskin attach agreed upon minimums to certain groups, making it simple for any bartender to see the remaining balance on a party’s tab.
“Our bartenders love it,” Todd says of Arryved Service.
Craft-Centric Reporting & Modifiers Support Diskin’s Craft-Centric Business
“Square wasn’t built for us,” Todd says about their previous POS. With a recommendation from friends at Jackalope Brewing Co. and a peek into the system, Diskin quickly realized that Arryved, on the other hand, was indeed built for them.
Accessing an easy-to-read breakdown of their business data helps Adam and Todd make important decisions, cider and otherwise. In fact, they use POS data to identify what merchandise they need to promote better!
“Accountability and knowing where our liquid is going is key to us—Square didn’t offer that,” Todd continues. Thanks to Arryved, now Diskin can track the volume of liquid leaving taps so they can identify best sellers for production needs.
And liquid sure is leaving those taps with the amount of flights Diskin pours! With 95% of flight orders being customized by the guest, modifiers on Arryved devices make personalizing each one fast.
In fact, modifiers made for another handy event tool: Diskin built custom pairings into the Arryved system with Girl Scout cookies and ciders. At their cookie event, the pairings were easily accessible on the POS interface so there was no delay in service and staff could solely focus on being gracious hosts.
A Trustworthy Partnership Inspires Business Growth
What continues to set Arryved apart from other POS systems is the promise of a transparent partnership.
“Since Day 1, you all have been partners with us and if there’s something that we need, we just ask. 9 times out of 10, even if it’s something that you can’t do right now, you take it up the ladder and see what you can do. It’s never just ‘no’,” Todd says. “The peace of mind of having a partner that you trust can only help your business grow, and that’s what I feel with Arryved.”
Small businesses successfully scale when they can take risks to see what makes their customer base tick. With Arryved, Diskin Cider has the freedom to experiment with a flexible system in addition to leaning on a patient team of experts when they need help.
Now you know where to quench your cider cravings in Nashville—enjoy!
Featured Image courtesy of Diskin Cider.