Arryved News

News and Insights from the Arryved Team

Zambaldi Beer

>June 28, 2023

How Zambaldi Beer Recovered $2K In Payment Processing Costs In 25 Days

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Dry Falls Brewing

>June 15, 2023

Dry Falls Brewing Offsets $38k In Costs With Dual Pricing To Secure A Successful Future

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>June 1, 2023

Dry Falls Brewing On Track To Recover $38K In Costs With Dual Pricing

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Tab Claiming

>April 12, 2023

New From OpenTab By Arryved: Guests Now Claim Their Own Tabs!

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>March 1, 2023

Cut Payment Processing Costs & Maximize Revenue With Dual Pricing

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>March 1, 2023

Introducing Arryved’s Dual Pricing Program: Save On Payment Processing Fees

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>December 6, 2022

Beverage Businesses Rejoice: The BarTrack & Arryved Integration Is Here

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Fresh KDS order screen image to display how ticketing works.

>September 20, 2022

A Big Win For Kitchens: Arryved Now Integrates With Fresh KDS!

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>June 9, 2022

Arryved POS Acquires Craftpeak, Connecting Online & On-Premise Hospitality Storefronts

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>March 1, 2022

The New & Improved Arryved Has… Arryved

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Arryved team members celebrate together

>January 10, 2022

Built In Honors Arryved in Its Esteemed 2022 Best Places To Work Awards

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